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As always, get a FREE soap sample with EVERY order!

Cocoa Espresso Beer Lotion Tin "Can"dle Fire Starters
Tin "Can"dle
Our Price: $15.00
Fire Starters
Our Price: $1.00
Yes, contains actual beer.

Support our Feed the Flame program with purchase!. Convenient & natural!
Insect Repel Balm Aromatherapy Hand & Body Cream Kaya's Peanut-Banana Munchies
Insect Repel Balm
Our Price: $6.00
Our all-natural Insect Repel Balm, now available in 3 container choices! Intensive creams from our Aromatherapy Collection All-Natural!

Soap of the Month

Siberian Fir Soap

more info
Our Price: $6.00
Siberian Fir Soap
Hug a tree (or at least smell like you did)!

Top Sellers

Herbal Salve
Our Price: $12.00
Happy Feet Cream
Our Price: $8.00

New Products

Original PoopBags, 3 Rolls
Our Price: $5.00
Sugar Scrub and Bath Bomb Gift Basket
Our Price: $22.00
Furniture Polish
Our Price: $8.00
All-Over Body Cream
Our Price: $8.00